Monday, March 3, 2008

What did you say???

I can't believe the girls are so close to a year old! Time flies! I ordered them the cutest shirts for their birthday. I can't wait until they arrive. Here are their 11 month pics

Natalie - 11 months

Rebecca - 11 months

They have been babbling like crazy. Rebecca can get LOUD! Especially if I am eating something that she can't have. She definitely lets me know that she is NOT okay with that! They are both pulling up and cruising around on the furniture and Natalie will stand up in the middle of the room, but then she gets so excited and starts squealing and falls.

We signed John up for another session of swim classes and he is doing great. He's not quite swimming by himself, but he tries. If he has a noodle he can lay on it and swim around pretty well. The weather was so nice yesterday so we took advantage and spent a majority of the day outside. John got to ride his Escalade around the yard and we took a nice long walk. So long that John got exhausted and wanted to be carried. Carrying a 3 year old and pushing a double stroller is not an easy feat, so he ended up sitting on the handle of the stroller and holding on to me while I pushed. We got a lot of smiles and waves as we made our way back home. :)

John is starting to repeat everything he hears, which can be cute...but can also be not so good. He said his first bad word the other day. He repeated it a few times and I just let it go thinking maybe he was mispronouncing something. Finally, I realized what it was and told him "That's not a nice word. We don't say that." He replied with "Daddy does." :) Daddy has since been VERY good about censoring himself around the kids. I must admit, I was a little relieved when he said that and not, "Well, you say it." Now... if he starts yelling "USE YOUR BLINKER!" I will know exactly where that came from. We had a cute conversation in the car the other day. He wanted one of his kids cds on, so I opened the holder to let him pick.

John: I want the purple and green one
Me: Um, that's Jimmy Hendrix
John: Yeah. I love Jim and Rex
Me: Alright...(turned on the cd)
John: Ohhhh, Mom. I LOVE this.

It was definitely nice not listening to Mickey Mouse and Raffi again and again and again. He has since given up on his love for Jimmy though. Maybe I'll have to introduce him to the Beatles. He'd probably like their early stuff. Here are a few pics of the kids

Doesn't everyone wear a snow hat with their pajamas?

Rebecca playing with (eating) her monkey

Rebecca was so intent on getting something out of the toy box that she almost went in head first. She had both feet off the ground and was teetering on the edge.

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