Sunday, December 6, 2009

Clever Owl and the Fashionistas

John had his Native American festival at preschool a few weeks ago. They all had Native American names and John chose "Clever Owl." The kids sang songs showed the parents all the Native American crafts they had made over the past few weeks. Some of the songs they sang I actually remembered from when my brother went to school there almost 20 years ago!

On Thanksgiving this year we had 2 stops to make. We started the day at Uncle Dennis & Aunt Barb's house. The regular crew was all there minus my cousin and her family. Sickness kept them away. We had great food as always and lots of fun with the family. We also got some great news. There will be 2 new additions to Thanksgiving dinner next year. We already knew my cousin Niki was pregnant with a little boy, but we also found out that my cousin Patrick and his wife Megan are pregnant with their second baby!
Rebecca giving hugs to baby Chaney (the big sister to be)

John flying planes with Uncle Dennis on the computer

Natalie and Rebecca enjoying the cupcakes

After lunch there we headed to Maw Maw June and Grandpa Bud's house. We had a full house there and a ton of food, including my favorite coconut cream pie. It may not be a traditional Thanksgiving dessert, but Mike's mom makes the BEST pies and this is always my fave.

The girls are starting to want to pick out their own clothes and it is driving me crazy. I know I should let them express themselves, but sometimes their outfits end up looking like this...luckily we weren't going anywhere

Today John had his Tae Kwon Do Holiday party and performance. The demonstration team had a performance that included some sparring and board breaking. Before they got into all that though the little ones had a small performance of their punching. John did great, but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures because one of the instructors was standing right in front of me. He was so proud when he came back to the table and got all his congratulations and hugs. After a small dinner they had an awards ceremony. John got a participation certificate along with the rest of his classmates. It was pretty impressive listening to the older kids and adults getting their awards.

John recieving his certificate - he has one of the mean mommies that won't let him wear his uniform after performing...white and 4 year old boys do not mix well

When we got home from Tae Kwon Do we set about decorating the Christmas Tree. Natalie was a fabulous supervisor and told the other 2 where to put everything. She was scared of a nutcracker ornament and didn't want to get to close to the tree after spotting it. The offending ornament has since been removed. I may have to go back and rearrange a few things now that they are in bed. 90% of the ornaments are about 3 feet high and under.

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