John has pneumonia! Poor baby.
Last week he had been running a fever and Wednesday night it got up to 105 degrees. He was also complaining of his back hurting and pointing to his lower back on either side of his spine. We got him into the doctor on Thursday and they took a urine sample, (which is very interesting when the child is not potty trained, basically a baggie is attached to them), a throat culture, and chest
xrays. Everything looked fine so we were sent home and told it's probably a virus and to call back if the fever doesn't go away in a few days. After that his fever came only in the morning and at bedtime, so we weren't too worried. Then Saturday night he couldn't sleep. He would wake himself up every 10 minutes or so coughing. Finally around 11:00 I took his temperature (even though he didn't feel warm) and it was 94.7! That worried me. I didn't know if a low temperature was dangerous or not so I called his doctor's exchange. They told me to take him to the ER since the doctor wouldn't be back in until Monday. Since Mike was out of town I had to get the girls up and take them to my mom's house, as I didn't want all 3 kids at the hospital. (Thanks again Mom!) At the hospital they took another chest
xray and found that he has pneumonia! Basically now he just has to take an antibiotic and wait it out. His cough sounds really bad, but he is coughing less and less. Last night I don't think he woke up coughing once...or else I was so exhausted I slept through it! He was also cleared to start preschool tomorrow as long as the fever doesn't come back! Yeah! The first week they only go for an hour each day so hopefully he won't wear himself out too much.
Hopefully I'll have some cute 1st day of school pics to post tomorrow!