We have had a busy couple of days, and some super tired kids. I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing! :) Mike left town early Friday morning for a fishing trip to Canada, leaving me to plat single mom for a week. Right now it is Tuesday and I feel like he's been gone for a month. Friday John had his last day of summer camp and one of his friends mom's offered to pick him up for me and take him to her house to play for the rest of the day. Woo hoo! Thank you Shannon. So with John off to Nicholas' house, the girls and I spent the morning at the office and then had a fun filled day of errands. After a quick trip home to let the dog out, we went to pick up John and headed to my mom's house for a going away party for my cousin Liz. She left this weekend for 3 more years in Japan doing missionary work. It was nice having everyone together since all the cousins have gotten pretty spread out across the country (and world). John had a good time playing with my cousin's friend's son Eli, and everyone had fun playing with the bubble machines. I don't think I will ever understand the utter fascination kids have with bubbles, but I won't complain. It certainly is a cheap and easy thing to keep their attention. We ended up staying later than expected and got home and went straight to bed.
The next morning we had a date with Mike's sisters and mom to go to the Zoo. His sister Lori and her family were in town from Kansas City, and unfortunately Mike didn't get to see them due to his trip. We ended up getting to the zoo around 10:00 and went straight to the new stingray exhibit. We missed the feeding, but got to stick our hands in and pet the stingrays. Well, John and I did. The girls were pretty content with just splashing. We checked out the bears and penguins, took a train ride and a carousel ride, and had lunch. By that time the kids were getting a little cranky due to lack of sleep, so the 4 of us took off for home. Even with as tired as they were, they still didn't nap well.
Well, that's all for now. We have a date with some friends at the park tomorrow, but it is supposed to rain, so we may end up at the train store that John loves. Other than that, no real plans...just waiting for Dad to come home.
Natalie, looking a little intimidated by the huge meatball sandwich on her plate.
I seriously cannot believe she ate that whole thing...and she's the little one! That girl must have one heck of a metabolism.