Playing at home in the pool. Natalie finally got in. She is getting a little more used to the water, just in time for summer to be over. :) Rebecca still loves getting sprayed in the face by the sprinklers, although the picture may not look like she is enjoying it. John likes to take his Little Tykes climber and put by the edge of the pool so he can slide into the water.
The other day, while making dinner, I realized the kids were being a little too quiet so I went to investigate. First I walked into the girls room and saw this...Nice. Thanks girls. Then I went to Johns room and saw this...They had stripped of their clothes, as well as the bedsheet and were having a ball jumping on the bed. I had to get a few pictures before getting them down.Then I found John hiding in his dresser. His response to the whole scene was, "I do nufing Mommy." which seems to be his go-to phrase lately.This past weekend, Mike and I took the kids to the Festival of Nations. It is a celebration in a local park with food, dancing, music, crafts, and demonstrations from all over the world. John liked the African dancing best, but didn't want to participate. The girls seemed to like a calypso sounding band. It was pretty darn hot out, but John was a good sport walking the whole time. Mike did try putting him on his shoulders at one point, but John freaked out. Since Mike is 6'2", John was probably over 7 feet in the air, which I'm sure is scary when you're used to being much closer to the ground. Oh, and we're kind of famous now. :) A group was going around taking pictures of the event, and I found ours on their website. Unfortunately I look a little pregnant in it. Oh well...there goes my modeling contract.The picture that made us famous(with a beautiful port a potty in the background)...doesn't John look happy?
John getting tribal face paint donethe final resultcomplete with a head dress he made (he calls it his dress-head)
Yesterday, GG, MaMaw June, and I took the kids to the Botanical Gardens. We had a beautiful day for it. Thank goodness they both came with me. The girls are so mobile now it was hard keeping them in the same area when they were out of the stroller. It was nice that we could each just take one kid. Their favorite area was the childrens garden. They played in the sprinklers, climbed, ran around, and wore themselves out. So much so that Rebecca fell asleep in GG's arms on the tram ride after lunch. They liked climbing on the Niki Exhibit sculptures, but John was scared of the one that looked like a skull. His favorite was the "agigador" (alligator). Oh, and since I didn't label all the pics, Rebecca is in a cream shirt, and Natalie is in plaid. Hopefully John is easy to identify.